Home of kids learning
Approach to the education of the modern era

Our team is ambitious about the character building of their students with the conventional education of modern era to prepare them for batter handling of practical life challenges

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Admission Open Session 2024

Admission Open Session 2024 The applicants have to fill the admission forms and submit the forms online. School administration will inform the candidates about the test interview.*Air conditioned class rooms

Why Our School Best for your kids

The Spirit High School Mianwali have a close eye on both formal education and external attributes to improve the education skills and also contributing in developing their personality traits which directly determine the way of success.

  • Communication Skills
  • Writting Skills
  • Arts and Drawing Skills
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Extra Facilities

For Your Kids

General Science

The school labs are too much supportive for the students where the students to enhance their learning abilities with good understanding of the experimental techniques which they thought in classrooms. Well designed /equiped laboratories not only makes the scientific experiments too easy but also help the students to improve their practical skills for securing good marks on their exams.

Computer Lab

The 20th century is renamed as a era of modern technologies. The technology plays vital role in the modern education of 21th century. The integrated modern technology becomes the part of the curriculum and computer machine will also become the integral part of school day. Technically sound faculty and administration are making plans to improve practical ability and to providing hands on experience of modern techniques by using modern advancements i.e computer PC desktop tablets laptop and etc. Well equiped computer lab provide the platform to the student to take the first flight of modern technology. The computer lab will remain the center of computer related activities. The school have well versed faculty for providing quality education of information technology and lab is also well equiped with tools mandatory for modern technologies of IT.


The library of the school is to increase the knowledge bank of the students on different aspects like science, history, socialism, esthetic, religion and so on. Good book readings also effective for mental health of the students. The knowledge gains from books on different aspects of life will contribute in personality developing in general but in building of the confidence in particular. The books also give the chance to familiarize the reader from his/her rituals, customs, socialism, community living and so on which helps the student in successful social life throughout their lives.

Our Faculty Members

Faculty Members

English Teacher
Math Teacher
Urdu Teacher
IT Teacher
Islamiat Teacher
Science Teacher

Extra Curriculam Activities


Every year on completion of the educational calendar a day will be celebrated at campus and this day called as annual day of the school. This day is also the closure of educational activities of that year. On that special day we celebrate our success and review the performance / achievements of the students and progress of the institution for providing innovative and quality education. This day also provide the opportunity to the students for polishing their talent and interpersonal skills.

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Hobbies allow kids to tap into their inner passions and talents while allowing them to understand all that they enjoy and are good at. The hobbies helps them build confidence and self-esteem, apart from giving their mind and body the much-needed stimulation.

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Playing sport helps childern learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a healthy way. It also helps children develop patience and understand that it can take a lot of practice to improve their skills. Children can then apply skills like perseverance and resilience in other areas of their life, including in the classroom at school and with other non-sporting hobbies.

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